US Patent - Long Distance Communications (UNB and OFDM)
Application Number: 17/407,620
Issue Date: January 2, 2024
Patent Number: 11863367
Filing Date: 20 August, 2021
Methods of using phases to reduce bandwidths or to transport data with multimedia codecs using only magnitudes or amplitudes.
Multimedia codecs (compression methods), based only on FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) have been recently proposed. These codecs use the largest points (foreground) and the most energetic bands (background). Medium quality versions are based on the largest local peaks only.
The phases can be ignored with the largest local peaks or in the background. Alternatively, sine and cosine amplitudes can be used.
This invention describes methods for giving utility to the reintroduced phases, in particular:
- The local peaks are grouped together to have a very narrow bandwidth, with the phases containing the displacements of these peaks.
- The data are transported in the phases, between two multimedia frames or in the background.
- The points are left in their place and the data are stored in the phases.
- The foreground points are transported into the background phases, to reduce the PAPR (Peak-to-Average Power Ratio).
The transmissions are performed in the time domain after inverse FFT.
High speed communications are supported using techniques similar to OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing).
These processes are intended to be used in particular with connected objects, in the physical layers of computer networks and in blockchain technologies.
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